I encourage readers to purchase my books in their e-book editions. Why? Because I earn my rice bowl, so to speak, from my writing, and the e-books bring a larger royalty payment than do print books. In many cases, print editions provide zero royalties. How the publishing business works is a long story, so I won’t go into it. Just buy the e-book editions if you can, por favor.
My e-books are available online at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. You can go to their Amazon pages by clicking the images in the panel to the right.
Still, I do understand the physical pleasure of reading a book printed on paper. Any print book, as an object of substance and weight, is a thing of beauty in itself.
As you can see in the posts in this section, my print books have appeared in a number of U.S. and foreign editions, including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.
My short stories, essays and excerpts from novels also have appeared in anthologies published in the U.S. and abroad (as well as in audiobook editions). You can see some of those anthologies in the posts, too.